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Article In Journal |
Document Title |
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The impact of a multimedia program in the physics building on the discovery-oriented learning strategy on achievement and creative thinking skills among students in first grade of secondary أثر برنامج متعدد الوسائط فى مادة الفيزياء مبنى على إستراتيجية التعلم بالاكتشاف الموجه على التحصيل ومهارات التفكير الابتكارى لدى طلاب الصف الأول الثانوي |
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Research |
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Arabic |
Abstract |
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King Abdul Aziz University
College of Education in Jeddah
Department of Educational Technology
The impact of a multimedia program in the physics building on the discovery-oriented learning strategy on achievement and creative thinking skills among students in first grade of secondary
Research submitted by the
من: العربية▼ إلى: الإنجليزية▼
ترجمة نص أو صفحة ويب
أثر برنامج متعدد الوسائط فى مادة الفيزياء مبنى على إستراتيجية التعلم بالاكتشاف الموجه على التحصيل ومهارات التفكير الابتكارى لدى طلاب الصف الأول الثانوي هل تقصد: يحيى بن حميد الظاهري
السماح بالكتابة بحسب النطق الصوتياكتب نصًا أو عنوان موقع ويب أو ترجم مستندًا.
الاستماعترجمة من العربية إلى الإنجليزية
The impact of a multimedia program in the physics building on the discovery-oriented learning strategy on achievement and creative thinking skills among students in first grade of secondaryالاستماع
قراءة صوتية للكلمات
القاموس - عرض القاموس المفصل
1432-1433 e
- Introduction to Search:
Long live the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in recent years an important stage is the stage of development of education in general to improve the final outputs of the educational process in line with the nature of the times in which we live and the magnitude of the revolution of scientific, technical, and in the field of natural sciences in general and physics in particular, passed decisions stages of successive development of through expert working groups, and in the light of a renewed educational thought which led to the improvement of the preparation and output of these decisions with regard to the presentation content and sequence information, training and employment of painting and colors appeared in the end by good content compared to building a coherent science books in the past.
This development in the books of physics requires improvement in teaching methods to suit those roads with the content developer who has become a fundamental objective of teaching Conversation thinking student, and development, and one of the ways in which to achieve this goal is a method of discovery learning-oriented, where the points (Andalh Khader, 1984: 23) that some of the experiments generally demonstrated the effectiveness of discovery-oriented compared to traditional ways dumping.
And see (and William Obeid et al, 1986: 52) that what students learn in the case of discovery learning have meaning he has not forgotten easily, but kept in memory longer and this experience back to the student to learn how to learn.
Points (Abdullah marauding, 1989: 74-75) that Mufhomat and circulars, which discovered the student himself or at least participate in the discovery will be of particular value to him, and that the transfer of learning effect will be strong and effective because Mufhomat and circulars explored will be linked to Bamufhomat and circulars previous strong association and clear in the mind of the learner.
And add (Madiha Hassan Mohamed, 1989: 74). That the pupil of the method of discovery learning to learn how the process of discovery itself, and this leads to an increase proficiency of the learner and thus becomes the pupil of the dependence on reward external to the reward of Interior represented by the sense of individual accomplishment and happiness when the the process of discovery and becomes the source of efficiency and activity, both in the work of an individual or through group work and listen to the ideas of others and use.
And recommended (Zainab Khalid, 1993: 1-20) that teachers are trained on how discovery learning as well as the diversity of evaluation methods and attention to higher mental skills.
Despite the advantages of many of how discovery learning, some people brought to the cash represented in that they need for a time period longer than it needs the views of traditional, which could lead to a lack of volume of knowledge learned by the student for the effort, but that does not diminish the value of education indicates where (my dream agent, and Grand Mufti Mohammed, 1996: 172) that the acquisition of the student to study detection method may be offset in the long run
The development of ways of thinking in general thinking skills and creative especially of the most important objectives of teaching in various stages of education because the ability to innovate has become one of the requirements of this era., And the development of thinking in general, and Creative Thinking in particular of the task of science teachers in general and science in particular, They must also provide the minds of students in continuing the foundations of thinking and the ability to solve problems.
The (Magdi Abdel Karim Habib, 1995, p. 165) that the United smart working hard on the development of the human mind, to think, and develop existing and invent new Valacol is wealth the truth in our time and investment often leads to progress and we certainly - in the light of the changes of national and global - in dire need to develop minds are Balalmip in thinking and the ability to exchange and innovation, has reached some countries to have reached the progress and development through its dealings with the available data, and addressed to the problems encountered in a positive way based on the use of scientific methods of thinking and problem-solving .
And Saudi society, a society which seeks to progress through the knowledge of the potential and capabilities of its citizens, and detection and to create a suitable environment for their care and concern for them, so the interest in thinking about general and innovative thinking in particular through school curricula, methods, and teaching methods, teaching aids developed could become the most important sections that enter them into a world of progress and development.
- Research problem:
In light of the previous view of the philosophy of discovery learning-oriented and its importance, and in line with the trends of modern educational and stressed the need to keep pace with educational policies to the requirements and needs of the times as well as the requirements of the future is expected to occur, where indicated (Fahim Mustafa, 2004: 34) that the methods of modern education concerned with the preparation of human in order to be able to deal with the changes and live with them, so it became necessary to enter the appropriate change on the courses and teaching methods as the traditional methods have become feasible in this age of technology, it became necessary to turn education than just the conservation and indoctrination, and education based on a receive passive learner to an entirely different type of education which is not positive, with active participation by the learner for the integration of the educational process.
The creative thinking of the things that occupy the minds of educators to the complexity of this phenomenon and the complexity of its connection to other aspects of personal and social to the individual. It is also the assessment of mental capacity of innovators, and the development of creative thinking ability of basic vital areas that are not indispensable to scholars and researchers. And making decisions on personnel in various fields of applied psychological and educational, administrative, industrial, educational and other fields, which is based on the rights and is one of the priorities of interest to the developed nations, so was the field of innovative thinking interest of the researchers, are now focusing on the use of computers and technology for the development of human . (Mohammad Abdel Hadi Hussein: 2002, p. 9.)
Also, the thinking and different ways of thinking as important as making something essential to the study of science and the life of the student, knocked on different thinking is organically linked to solving problems in general, problem solving, physics in particular and among these methods help the student to reach a logical solution sound problem in the light of introductions , but this must be the goal of teaching physics to acquire the students skill in the use of methods of different thinking during their studies it because this helps them to think effectively in the face and solve problems is not in the field of physics only, but it helps them to solve the problems of everyday life, and makes it more able to resolve the problem elements and to reaching a final solution to them.
Therefore, summoned the necessary educational and learning to use a variety of methods in teaching with the use of developments in technology such as, for example, computer and it involves electronic program and what can be designed and produced presentations multimedia to the learner can to meet the needs of the knowledge or requirements of the school through the acquisition of the skill learning for the development of self-collected and levels of thinking skills.
He therefore believed the researchers that the testing method of teaching is another discovery learning-oriented as one of the methods that take into account individual differences among students when dealing with information and their impact on it and then attainment of knowledge. In addition to employing the ability of audio and visual to the students through presentations, multimedia interactive , taking into account the interaction of students with the information through the offer, it may be better and more interest in student learning of concepts, principles and scientific skills included the decision of physics, the first grade of secondary and increasing levels of cognitive achievement have, as well as the development of thinking skills to creative levels is three (fluency - Flexibility - Originality ).
, And that researchers coined the problem of the study in the following question:
What is the impact a multi-media in the physics building on the discovery-oriented learning strategy on the development of levels of achievement and creative thinking skills among students in first grade school?
The fork to the following questions:
- What is the impact of the proposed program on the development of levels of achievement in physics among students in first grade school?.
- What is the impact of the proposed program on the development of creative thinking skills among students in first grade school?.
- Research objectives:
The research aims to study the interaction between the program of multimedia in physics and discovery-oriented learning strategy on the development of levels of achievement and creative thinking skills among students in first grade of secondary.
- The importance of Search:
This research may contribute to the development of teaching methods, their uses and their interaction with modern technologies, in terms of the attention of teachers about teaching methods that are commensurate with the abilities of students and recruitment of audio and visual senses to bring them to the highest levels of utilization and development of their achievement levels. , As well as developing creative thinking skills and then employ them in the ability to innovate and solve the problems facing them., May also benefit the program content and contains activities and training of science teachers in
The decision of the physics teaching first grade secondary school., Also may help researchers test the designer thinking in the field of creative thinking and interested in thinking and methods of development of learners.
- Search Terms:
1) Multimedia:
Is a computer program containing a set of slides (frames) designed one of the authoring programs multimedia computer, and with a high level of coordination that can be used in the commentary and clarification of information and scientific concepts in physics and contains a set of electronic media, video and audio such as: fees fixed and mobile two- and three-dimensional, sound recordings, music, colors, and still and moving pictures, and video clips, as well as written text in its various forms, so that the employment of technology that the media in an interactive way to the maximum extent possible and presented in an integrated manner and allows the student to interact with its contents with a mouse or keyboard.
2) guided discovery:
Is the position of an educational-prepared structurally, prepared and controlled by the teacher leading his students and guides them and provides them with guidelines to discover the concepts and principles in the decision, and be in the form of a sequence of interactions between teacher and students through free discussions or question and answer or examples and exercises a deliberate and are all accompanied by mass education and audio-visual serve the same situation. (Mahmoud Nasr, 1998)
And known to researchers that is the position of an educational-prepared structurally in the physics of the first secondary grade, prepared and controlled by the teacher leading his students and guides them and provides them with guidelines to discover the concepts and principles in the decision, and be in the form of a sequence of interactions between teacher and students through free discussions or question and answer or examples and exercises deliberate and is accompanied by all modes of teaching and audio-visual educational serve the same position.
3) collection:
See (Muhammad Ali, 1998: 74) that the term academic achievement refers often to the acquired student from the experiences of knowledge or skill as a result of his study of a particular topic and passage to the positions of specific learning., And is intended to "information and skills acquired by learners as a result of the study of , or a specific unit of study.
And is well known (Mohammad Al-Hamed, 1416). That what is being learned of the individual in the school of information through the study of certain material and understood by the learner of the relations between this information and Istnbth them of the facts reflected in the performance of the learner to test placed according to certain rules which could predict the performance of the learner quantified the so-called varying collection.
Means delays in the collection in this research is acquired first-grade students secondary (research group) of the information, skills and concepts of science through the study of the Unit II "Mechanics of Materials" and includes quarterly (the movement of objects and mechanical properties of the material) the decision of Physics Developer first grade secondary school for the academic year 30/1431 e, . It is estimated that degrees obtained by the students in the achievement test prepared by the researchers to measure aspects of learning contained unit.
4) Creative Thinking:
Know (Mr. Khairallah, 1973.104) as "an individual's ability to produce the most productive features of fluency and intellectual flexibility and originality, automatic, and fall-away in response to a problem or exciting position."
And you know (Salwa Othman Mustafa: 1994, p. 9) that "the ability of students to recognize the relations in the attitude problem and the discovery of a quick solution appropriate through a process of reorganization of previous experiences and take advantage of them in solving one of the problems that they face as a result of mental effort directed and intentional and far from random and contains the following skills :
- Fluency Fluency: the ability and means to get out the largest possible number of ideas and solutions in the specified period of time to a problem or a certain position.
- Originality Originality: is concerned with the ability to access to authentic responses (low frequency) of new and unexpected to solve a problem (ie, the less the idea of increased prevalence of authenticity).
- Flexibility Flexibility: is concerned with the diversity of good ideas, and produce the right ones and that is characterized by diversity and atypical.
Known researchers Creative Thinking procedurally as: "the mentality of an activity of mental prompt and intended for the students in first grade through the secondary perception of relations in the problem raised and the organization of past experiences and take advantage of them in the production of new ideas and solutions and innovative and that are relevant and of diversity and novelty in an environment friendly for this product innovation and which characterized by three properties are:
- Fluency: It means the flow of responses associated with the problem and determined quantitatively in
Given the number of these responses (solutions) in a specified time.
- Flexibility: refers to the diversity and atypical responses (solutions) issued.
- Originality: It means the access to authentic responses (low frequency) new and non-
Unexpected and unfamiliar to solve the problem raised.
- Limits of Search:
Study was limited to the following limits:
- Group of students from first grade secondary school year 30 / 1431 e-Andalus School of Civil manage educational Jeddah Jeddah.
- The second unit, "Mechanics of Materials" and includes quarterly (the movement of objects and mechanical properties of the substance) of the decision of Physics Developer first grade secondary school for the academic year 30/1431 e of the second semester.
- Hypotheses:
1) There is no statistically significant difference at 0.05 level in achievement between the mean scores of students of the experimental group and control group students in the application of tribal achievement test in physics.
2) There is no statistically significant difference at 0.05 level in creative thinking between the mean scores of students of the experimental group and control group students in the pre application to test innovative thinking.
3) There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level in achievement between the mean scores of students of the experimental group and control group students in the post test for students of the experimental group due to style program used (based on multimedia technology and computer discovery-oriented strategy).
4) There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level in creative thinking between the mean scores of students of the experimental group and control group students in the post test for students of the experimental group due to style program used (based on multimedia technology and computer discovery-oriented strategy).
- Variables Search:
1) independent variables:
Method of teaching the second unit, "Mechanics of Materials" and includes quarterly (the movement of objects and mechanical properties of the substance) of the decision of Physics (1) - the joint program for first grade secondary education, second edition 1429-1430 e, is determined according to the philosophy of the research discovery-oriented and multimedia (for the experimental group) , a method taught in the usual way (for the control group).
2) dependent variables:
Achievement in physics, as measured in the selection of achievement levels, and innovative thinking and creative thinking is measured by test prepared by the researchers.
3) control variables:
School climate chronological age level of social and economic status of students.
Has been to adjust these variables for students in the two groups through random selection, and ensure the equal treatment before the start of the statistical test to the previous level of academic achievement in physics and the level of creative thinking through the tribal phase measurement.
- Search Tools:
1) the second unit, "Mechanics of Materials" and includes quarterly (the movement of objects and mechanical properties of the substance) of the decision of Physics (1) - the joint program for first grade secondary education, second edition 1429-1430 e, is determined according to the philosophy of research and include:
- A teacher's guide. (*)
- Worksheets for the student. (**)
2) a test in the content of the second unit, "Mechanics of Materials" of the decision of Physics (1) - the joint program for first grade secondary (prepared by the researchers) (***).
3) to test the skills of creative thinking (fluency - Authenticity - Flexibility). (Prepared by researchers) (****).
- Procedures Search:
To answer the research questions followed the following steps: -
4) re-formulation of the second unit, "Mechanics of Materials" and includes quarterly (the movement of objects and mechanical properties of the substance) of the decision of Physics (1) - the joint program of the first secondary grade, the second edition from 1429 to 1430 AH, according to the philosophy of research and in the manner proposed.
1) building a test in the content of the selected unit.
2) Display test collection on a group of arbitrators to make sure of the validity of the application.
3) building skills test in Creative Thinking (fluency - Flexibility - Authenticity).
4) Showing thinking test on a group of arbitrators to make sure of the validity of the application.
5) Choose a sample of students from first grade of secondary schools in Jeddah and Al-Andalus secondary Mjootain divided into experimental and control program and the application of the proposed method.
6) the application of the achievement test in physics and testing of creative thinking to the research sample tribal and Uday.
7) statistical analysis of the results and interpretation.
8) provide a set of recommendations.
- Search Results:
- There is no statistically significant difference at 0.05 level in achievement between the mean scores of students of the experimental group and control group students in the pre.
- There is no statistically significant difference in creative thinking between the mean scores of students of the experimental group and control group students in the pre application to test innovative thinking.
- There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level in achievement between the mean scores of students of the experimental group and control group students in the dimensional measurement of the benefit of students of the experimental group.
- There is a statistically significant difference in creative thinking between the mean scores of students of the experimental group and control group students in the post for the benefit of students of the experimental group due to style program used (based on multimedia technology and computer discovery-oriented strategy).
- Research Recommendations:
1) training teachers on how to use the diversity of teaching methods to teach physics in particular and the natural sciences in general to meet the individual differences among students.
2) encourage teachers to use the discovery method of learning and employment-oriented educational methods represented in the visual presentations in the positions of education.
3) provide teachers with a guide to how to employ the discovery-oriented learning accompanied by educational means, represented in the visual presentations. To teach physics at different levels.
4) the need to use the method of guided discovery in physics teaching, and experimenting with the use of other modern teaching methods in the teaching of decision branches of natural sciences.
- Literature Search
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1-2-2010 |
Journal Name |
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Journal of the College of Education - Al-Azhar Jaddamap |
Volume |
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10 |
Issue Number |
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1 |
Publishing Year |
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1432 AH
2010 AD |
Article Type |
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Article |
Added Date |
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Sunday, December 26, 2010 |
حسن أحمد نصر | nasr, hassan ahmed | Researcher | Doctorate | |
د.حسن د.يحى نصر | altahry, hassan uahya | Researcher | Doctorate | |
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