Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Designing and Evaluating a program for developing artistic skills for Student of Fine and Applied Art College - Sudan University for Science and Technology
تصميم وتقـــــويم برنـــــامج لتنميــــــة المهــــــارات التشكيليـــــة لطـــــــــــلاب
Subject : ٍskills 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This research aims at designing and evaluating a program for developing artistic skills for painting department students of FINE AND APPLIED ART COLLEGE - Sudan University for Science and Technology. The research questions have been answered practically by defining the essential skills for students. The program and its tools have been designed which and authorized by the experts and evaluators. Students skills level, theoretical and practical has been identified through applying an achievement and a checklist to measure and evaluate the performance grades before the implementation of the program. The test and the checklist have been applied again after the implementation of the program to verify the hypotheses and check its validity in improving students artistic skills (the subject of the study ). The results show that there are statistical indexes for the test and checklist after implementing the program at the individual and group level as follows: 1. between the averages of students grades in the achievement test 2. between the averages of students grades in drawing skills 3. between the averages of students grades in painting skills 4. between the averages of the total of students grades in drawing and painting These differences show the effectiveness of the program to achieve the objectives designed for. Therefore, the researcher has put forward a number of recommendations of which the most important is adopting this program and its tools as a teaching methodology in the Painting Department, and the necessity of vocational training along with academic training for drawing and painting teacher. The researcher, also suggested some topics for further research in the same field. 
Supervisor : Prof. Mokhtar O. Alsideeg 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1429 AH
2008 AD
Number Of Pages : 108 
Co-Supervisor : - 
Added Date : Saturday, December 25, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
الطيب عمر الحضيرىalhdeary, elteb

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